The first string you cut find the half way point and make a loop. Add the second sting and line both strings up. Like so. |
Tie the strings together with a knot. Make sure it is not too close to the end of the string, but make sure the loop is not too big. |
Take the left side string and cross OVER TOP the middle strings. |
Next you want to take the left string and bring it over top the string you just crossed. |
Bring the right string under the center strings and through the hoop made by the left string. Like so. |
When you pull the strings together it should look like this. Pull hard to make the braid tight together. |
Now do the same steps but to the other side. Braiding both sides back and forth will make the hemp go into a flat design braid. If you braid only on one side it will turn into a spiral. |
When you want to add a bead, just move the bead up and into the next braid. |
This is an example of the flat design and the spiral. |
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